Friday, December 30, 2011


For the past few days , a so-called crusade for Jan –Lok- Pal bill was fought and seen at its zenith. It was fought valiantly by civil society with full fledge support of all the peoples regardless of their  geographical limitation with scant intention of political advantages and equally timidly by our political leaders of the same, brimming with all  the power and privileges, laid down by our constitution for them. This odd combination, eventually,  gave us nothing  but a fallacious  civics lesson that we the  people of India are being driven by a vast democratic machinery with no  possible loopholes.

Though  ,with the fall of curtain, all possibility of  making a 'titanic law' diminished  yesterday, after a high voltage melodrama  in Rajya Sabah and a day before in Loke Sabha, yet it cannot be denied  that we as a whole nation woke up after a long slumber  of ignorance and indifference over those issues which are of national interest but have an immense impact upon us individually. All it happens very rarely that any issue which are under discussion  in parliament are discussed with same agility among common people and gets the maximum response in all possible way either  by demonstration , public debate or in other manner.

Previously ,we had become so habitual of 'nonsense clamor'  in either house of  the parliament resulting into constant declaration of adjournment  which in turn, ruins cores of rupee a day ( almost 2 core a day) that we become oblivious of the fact that our parliament is meant for discussion and to address national issues.But at least, for few days we saw  the few glimpse of  some coherent and serious debate by the members without any  foolish disruption. But it was just not adequate to  bring some new hope in the name of a law which has been  waiting its turn to come into action since may 1968, sometimes, for meager political  gain while on other  just  because of  bad politics. Yes! The things have not turned around by 360 degree but a vital shift has already been taken place which will decide the course of next step of this country.

There is no point being desolated  if jan -lok-pal bill did not receive its due response from  parliament, rather  what is much needed that  our efforts and response should keep smouldering and  remain prompt ,as we shouldn’t  forget the  very underlying fact that the whole chaos is  just revolving around corruption, deeply rooted as firmly, socially and individually as we blame upon our political system.

Every effort, no matter how desperate and vehement they are, cannot escape  the essential bracket of setbacks and comebacks. This time, possibly we have just left the stage of some setbacks in the context of Jan -Lok -Pal bill but for the next time  , we will soon be landed on the surface of  some cheerful comebacks. Anna Hazare, his well learned team and  the intelligent citizens of  this amazing nation would be aware of this fact

.Let’s keep our finger crossed until, something feasible happens………………

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